Monday, October 19, 2009

You Call This News?

You ever get the feeling that there's just too much frigging news?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Making The Turn

It feels like my cold is easing up a little. I may have actually slept a couple hours last night. Now my son has it. Sorry, Devin.

I tried to watch the MLB playoffs last night. I couldn't even make it through an inning. I hate it that I've lost interest in baseball. Ever since the 1994 strike, I have completely lost interest in the sport. It's not that I'm mad at them anymore; I simply cannot get into it. Why is that?

I think that in general, my love for sports has faded quite a bit in the last few years. Age? Maybe. I don't get all worked up when U of L loses, at least not like I used to. Why should I? Why should I care so much about them? They don't care about me. Don't even know me! Yet I swear my allegiance to some logo at some school.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Upon Further Review...

OK, this is pretty cool.

Here we go

Found this blog deal on Google. I'm not sure what it's even good for, but I'm miserable right now with the worst cold of my life, so at least this may help as a distraction from my current misery.

I can't think of a worse feeling than waking up on a work morning feeling like crap.